Sunday, February 14, 2010

Questions and comments on Post Production

Who retains authorship on remixed work?
What role does the gallery or museum play in a post postmodern world?
Is there enough distance between the original work and the remixed or post produced work?
If we are no longer producing original works won't we deplete our resources from which to remix and remake?
If the space in which we view or experience work and become the willing participants is only around for the duration of the show is there anyway in which to capture and record that experience? Will another viewer be able to experience that work in the future and still interpret it the same way? If that work was only there for the moment or the duration of the exhibition is it even viable to discuss a work which no longer exists and wasn't mean to?

1 comment:

  1. HI Keith,

    As you ask question in regard to the reading, also try to respond to your own questions in the blog.

    Prof. P
